Hormone Balancing
Are your hormones out of balance?
Men and Women experience a decline in hormone levels as we age, leading to many common health concerns that are often overlooked, leading to decreased quality of life and increased risk of more serious conditions.
Each patient is treated individually here at Wellness for Life. What works for your neighbor may not be a good fit for you! We take the time to fully understand your health history, preferences, and goals before building a personalized plan to help you achieve your wellness goals.
​Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women:
​Mood swings
Weight fluctuations
Low energy or drive
Low libido
Irregular menstrual cycles
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Depression, anxiety, or mood swings
Difficulty sleeping
​Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Men:
​Decreased muscle mass
Decreased strength
"Grumpy old man" syndrome
Beer belly
Low stamina
Low energy or drive
Low libido
Depression, anxiety, or mood swings
Heart disease
Erectile dysfunction
Bioidentical vs. Synthetic Hormones
Many of the fears and misconceptions about hormone balancing therapies come from outdated studies or research conducted with "traditional" synthetic hormone therapies.
Your body functions off of a series of "lock and key" reactions. While synthetic hormones are molecularly similar to the hormones your body naturally makes, bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical to the keys your body is used to seeing.
This helps us seamlessly restore natural, youthful hormone levels without many of the harmful side effects or risks associated with other hormone replacement therapies.