Amanda Lovecchio
Nurse Practitioner

Caitlin Halbert
Registered Nurse and
Aesthetic Nurse Injector

Trish Hall
Registered Nurse and
Aesthetic Nurse Injector

Andrea Hardesty
Registered Nurse and MSN, ARNP, A-GNP-C​
Nurse Practitioner

Anne Kisner
Practice Manager

Our Patient First Philosophy
Everything we do at Wellness for Life is about helping you feel the best you ever have! We want you to get up every day, excited about life and full of energy.
While we will look at diagnostics such as labs and imaging to help with your specific diagnosis, we believe that what you tell us is equally important. In other words, if your labs are perfect, but you feel like something just is not right, we have more work to do.
Additionally, our passion is to get to the root cause of what is happening with you. We do not prescribe medications to cover the symptoms but dig deep to find out what is causing the symptoms and work with you to fix that.
All through my career as an ICU nurse, I have had patients tell me “I know you are busy, I can wait” to which I have always replied “I have no other reason to be here than to take care of you. I don’t have a side gig; you are my sole focus”. I know that Caitlin feels the same way, we simply have no other reason to be here than to take care of you. Your needs, your health, your concerns are the first and foremost to us.
It is in this light that keeps me from accepting insurance. When a third party becomes involved, then it is not just your needs. It is the profitability of the insurance company first, then your needs and I simply cannot practice that way.
When you are seen at Wellness for Life, we want you to leave feeling amazing, to wake up every day to have the best day of your life. We simply cannot accept less, and neither should you.